• Assistenza e vendita Ufficiale Suzuki

  • Rivenditore Ufficiale Wunderlich

  • Assistenza e vendita Ufficiale Ohlins

  • Preparazione e Assistenza Motocross

  • Sospensioni per Bici

  • Assistenza e vendita Ufficiale YSS

  • Assistenza e vendita Ufficiale Mupo

  • Assistenza e vendita Ufficiale Bitubo

  • Rivenditore Ufficiale I2M

  • Rivenditore Ufficiale AIM

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Officina di alta qualità / Rivenditore Ufficiale

La Cirafici.it e' ad oggi una realtà di assoluto livello tecnico nel panorama motociclistico italiano, oltre che essere officina autorizzata Suzuki e concessionaria dei marchi Ohlins, Bitubo e Mupo, si occupa a 360 gradi di tutte le problematiche che può avere una moto, sia di natura meccanica che elettronica .
Vantando la collaborazione diretta con Ohlins, Bitubo e Mupo ci si occupa di installazione, prototipazione, personalizzazione e manutenzione di tutti i componenti inerenti alla ciclistica e sospensioni di una moto. Per prototipazione si intende qualsiasi modifica o installazione a partire dalle piu' moderne moto sportive sino ad arrivare alle maxi turistiche.
Ad affiancare il particolare lavoro nell’ambito delle sospensioni, la Cirafici.it è specializzata nell'installazione e gestione di sistemi di acquisizione dati (telemetria) che portano estremi vantaggi nella messa a punto delle moto sia della parte ciclistica che della gestione del motore, collaborando direttamente con aziende leader del settore come AIM, I2M, EFI, Rapid Bike, Bazzaz e Power Commander.


Cirafici.it nasce ufficialmente nell'anno 2003 dall'esperienza di Bruno Cirafici, ex pilota di motociclismo velocità, tre volte Campione Italiano, vincitore della Suzuki World Cup e con nel palmares la partecipazione ai Campionati Mondiali Superbike e Supersport, inoltre è stato team manager dapprima del Team Monza Corse e poi del Team Suzuki Italia nel campionato del Mondo Supersport.

Bruno ha iniziato la sua attività di preparatore e assistenza di moto nel lontano 1986 curando sia il settore delle moto stradali sia il settore riguardante le corse in pista; nel 2003, cogliendo uno spazio importante ma lasciato "vuoto" dal mercato, decide di dedicarsi anche alla ciclistica ed all'elettronica applicata alle moto e dà vita a Cirafici.it; più che un'officina un vero e proprio "atelier" dedicato anche a questi due settori dove, fin dall'ingresso nella nuova sede in Monza, si notano immediatamente l'altissima professionalità applicata al lavoro, l'attenzione al cliente e a tutte le sue problematiche, l'ordine e la pulizia quasi maniacali.

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Ufficiale Suziki

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Ufficiale Wunderlich

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Ufficiale Ohlins

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Elettronica e Centraline Elettroniche


L'elettronica applicata attraverso sistemi di acquisizione dati ("Telemetria"), è un campo del quale siamo da molto tempo appassionati e grazie all'esperienza acquisita negli ultimi venti anni sui campi di gara Italiani e Mondiali, possiamo considerarci leader del settore, che sempre di più vediamo crescere. Le nostre preparazioni, infatti, sono spesso accompagnate dall'istallazione di sistemi di acquisizione dati, i quali ci aiutano a migliorarle prestazioni del motore, della ciclistica e del Pilota, Pilota che oltre ad acquisire determinate informazioni, che senza un dato certo nessuno potrebbe indicarle in modo preciso, si garantisce una maggior sicurezza sotto tutti i punti di vista. Presso di noi, infatti, non solo è possibile acquistare ed installare prodotti delle migliori case produttrici, ma è a disposizione un servizio di ASSISTENZA E LETTURA DEI DATI ACQUISITI anche via email o direttamente con il cliente: questo per avvicinarci ancora di più all'obbiettivo che si vuole raggiungere smussando man mano le imperfezioni. Inoltre, per tutti quelli che non intendono acquistare un sistema di acquisizione dati, mettiamo a disposizione attraverso un noleggio, un nostro sistema che ci permette in una o più sessioni di prove in pista di acquisire i dati necessari (che possono essere inviati in diretta dal circuito) per poter mettere a punto sia il motore che la ciclistica della vostra moto, personalizzando tutti i parametri con la massima precisione con le caratteristiche specifiche del Pilota, oltre per chi lo ritiene necessario un valido aiuto alla performance del Pilota grazie alla esperienza di Bruno Cirafici ex Pilota Mondiale SBK.

Presso la nostra sede è possibile installare sistemi elettronici per il controllo e la modifica dei principali parametri del funzionamento di un motore, sia con centraline aggiuntive che con centraline che sostituiscono l'originale. Attraverso la registrazione dei valori della sonda lambda, eseguiti sia sul banco prova che direttamente in pista attraverso nostri sistemi di acquisizione dati che mettiamo a disposizione, possiamo definire la mappa più idonea al corretto funzionamento del motore e migliorarla passo dopo passo. Inoltre disponiamo di nostri sensori per il cambio mercia elettronico, sia in trazione che in compressione con attivazione attraverso prossimetri, che garantiscono un funzionamento perfetto in tutte le condizioni meteo senza alcuna usura. Personalizzazione e installazione componenti elettronici:
- COMPONENTI AGGIUNTIVI (contamarce , cronomtetri , sistemi GPS , navigatori satellitari etc.. )



Tre noti marchi con i quali collaboriamo per garantire un ampia scelta all'acquirente, senza dimenticare l'accostamento del consiglio tecnico che mettiamo a disposizione. È possibile PERSONALIZZARE il proprio impianto sia per un uso Racing che per un uso Granturistico, dall'installazione di dischi maggiorati, scelta della mescola delle pastiglie, sostituzione delle pinze freno e dei tubi freno su misura, oltre ovviamente la manutenzione e la revisione delle pinze freno.



Il motore è il cuore della vostra moto, un componente al quale va rivolta una determinata cura per esprimere al meglio le proprie potenzialità. Presso la nostra sede è possibile osservare a 360° il vostro motore, dalla MANUTENZIONE ORDINARIA, alla REVISIONE COMPLETA fino alla PREPARAZIONE.

Mettiamo a disposizione una corretta manutenzione ordinaria per i nostri clienti. Dal controllo dei cosiddetti livelli, all’eventuale sostituzione di tutti quei componenti di normale usura come olio e filtri, fino alla registrazione dei giochi previsti dalla casa madre. Aspetti da non trascurare, perché volti alla corretta durata del vostro propulsore.

Molte moto vengono esonerate dall’uso stradale per dedicare loro un uso prettamente su pista. Ciò richiede una manutenzione più frequente soprattutto superato un certo chilometraggio, dopo il quale la revisione completa dei componenti interni il motore come pistoni, bronzine e valvole è necessaria. Nella nostra revisione sono ispezionati questi componenti per verificarne il corretto lavoro e sostituiti qualora usurati, portando così il motore nuovamente alle condizioni ideali di lavoro.

La nostra officina si occupa inoltre della preparazione di motori volti all’uso su pista. L’elaborazione viene effettuata secondo le vostre esigenze per raggiungere insieme l’obbiettivo desiderato. Installiamo kit racing commerciali (Robby Moto) e kit previsti dalla casa madre, come HRC Racing, Kawasaki racing, e Yamaha YEC. A questo offriamo la qualità della messa messa a punto per esprimere le massime prestazioni., che possono essere testate dopo la preparazione presso un BANCO PROVA.

I 2 Tempi


Il 2 tempi è una motorizzazione della quale siamo molto esperti. Questo tipo di motore è ormai sempre più in via d'estinzione, ma resta invece per noi un angolo molto importante da curare, in quanto ormai sono pochi i punti che offrono una reale assistenza. La nostra esperienza proviene dal mondo delle corse con la Suzuki RGV Gamma 500cc, moto con la quale abbiamo vinto il campionato italiano velocità del 1989 e moto completamente preparata e curata da noi. Negli anni siamo diventati una realtà per quanto riguarda il restauro, la messa punto e la preparazione di questemoto e di tutti gli altri modelli. Presso di noi potrete trovare una vera e propria cura delle vostre moto: MANUTENZIONE: il controllo periodico ed accurato è fondamentale per questi motori, come l'uso di un olio dalle caratteristiche appropriate,la sostituzione delle candele. MESSA A PUNTO: La corretta carburazione è la base per far lavorare al meglio questi motori . RESTAURI: alla Cirafici.it ci occupiamo anche di restauri di moto storiche a 2 tempi con la possibilità di avere quasi tutti i ricambi originali.



La ciclistica della moto ed i suoi componenti sono un settore nel quale vantiamo 20 anni di esperienza e sviluppo.
La nostra sede è un importante centro autorizzato OHLINS, BITUBO e MUPO: tre marchi ai quali ci affidiamo da molti anni e con quali siamo cresciuti.

Presso di noi sono disponibili:

VENDITA PRODOTTI: tutti i prodotti completi dei tre marchi ed anche i RICAMBI ORIGINALI
ASSISTENZA IN GARANZIA: per prodotti rappresentati

È importante che la ciclistica del mezzo sia in piena forma e per questo proponiamo delle revisioni che facciano tornare la sospensione allo stato iniziale di lavoro, per consentire la massima prestazione dal nostro componente, a prescindere che sia un'ammortizzatore, forcella o ammortizzatore di sterzo. E' bene ricordarsi che la revisione delle sospensioni va considerata allo stesso piano del tagliando periodico che si effettua sulla moto, in quanto la ciclistica è l'elemento più importante per la guida e la sicurezza.

Presso la nostra sede eseguiamo le revisioni nel vero senso della parola, e sono così composte:

Scomposizione di tutti i componenti, stelo, fodero, pompante idraulico, boccole scorrimento e paraoli
Lavaggio attraverso macchina per la pulizia specifica di tutti i componenti
Verifica stato parti idrauliche (pistoni e lemelle) e parti di scorrimento (stelo e fodero)
Controllo su piano di riscontro attraverso comparatore millesimale della rettilineità degli steli e foderi
Lucidatura steli ed eventuale sostituzione boccole scorrimento
Controllo ed eventuale sistemazione tolleranza stelo / fodero
Assemblaggio parti con sostituzione olio e paraoli
Taratura e consegna scheda tecnica con riportati i dati


Nel ventennio di crescita in questo settore, è stato possibile realizzare ed è possibile realizzare prototipi secondo le richieste del cliente. Presso la nostra sede, siamo in grado ed altamente preparati per poter eseguire e realizzare lavori di prototipazione su ammortizatori e forcelle, adeguando qualsiasi prodotto alle esigenze del cliente, dalla semplice modifica di adattamento alla realizzazione dell'ammortizzatore/forcella su specifiche richieste . Ci piace cucire addosso al pilota o al granturista la sospensione, in modo da rendere più sicura la guida adattandola al proprio stile di guida e al proprio mezzo.

Il bello di questo angolo che abbiamo creato, è quello di scegliere un obbiettivo e di raggiungerlo INSIEME a chi guida, grazie alle sue indicazioni, esigenze e sensazioni di guida.

Il ramo storico è anch'esso facente parte del percorso di crescita e di inizio della Cirafici.it; per noi comunque ancora importante vista la difficoltà sovente di trovare ricambi per il ripristino delle sospensioni.
Presso la nostra sede, infatti, è possibile revisionare, ripristinare e rigenerare tutte le sospensioni facenti parte del parco storico del motociclismo, sia prodotti derivanti da moto stradali che da moto da Gran premio.
Inoltre abbiamo la possibilità e la capacità in caso dovesse occorrere di poter realizzare parti usurate in maniera irreversibile, per il ripristino dell'ammortizzatore e della forcella.


Presso la nostra sede, essendo un importante punto vendita e assitenza OHLINS, BITUBO e MUPO, disponiamo di tutte le modifiche attuabili per le sospensioni delle vostre moto, coprendo tutto il parco circolante dalla moto supersportiva, granturistica, custom, cafè racer, cross, enduro e motard, grazie anche anche a tutta la attrezzatura specifica che occorre avere (BANCO PROVA SOSPENSIONI, DINAMOMETRO PER MOLLE, VACUM PUMP PER SPURGO E SISTEMA PER PRESSURIZZARE) per poter eseguire sia il normale lavoro di manutenzione che le modifiche alla parte idraulica per personalizzare il prodotto a seconda delle richieste o per valutazione nostra.

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Pneumatici Racing e Stradali


Da noi è possibile acquistare svariati modelli di pneumatici e scegliere l'opportuna mescola, sia per pista che per strada e usufruire dell'installazione con relativa equilibratura.

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Warp Theme Framework

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


  • 2019 09 23

    Ironed out
    It irons out the weak points on the open flanks of the BMW R 1250 RT:
    Wunderlich‘s fairing protection bar

    This fairing and tank protection bar from Wunderlich not only reliably protects the tank but the fairing of the stem and the vulnerable radiator units on the BMW tourer R 1250 RT. Together with the engine protection bar from the Rhineland team, it forms a sophisticated all-round protection concept for passive safety: in the event of a crash or fall, the effective forces are then optimally distributed across the structure of the protection bar and the durable attachment points, thus avoiding high forces. The look of the fairing protection bar follows the contours of the RT and typical for Wunderlich integrates very well into the design of the bike on a visual level and thus highlights the striking look. The protection bar is made from a composite of 25 mm and 18 mm precision stainless steel tubing. It consists of tube segments that are shaped on CNC pipe bending machines specifically for each model and then clean welded.

    The product features applicable to this fairing protection bar apply in spirit to all protection bars from Wunderlich: The focus is constructive integration, functionality and design. Wunderlich offers this fairing protection bar in a choice of chrome-plated, silver or black. The colour versions are powder-coated. Prices: The powder-coated variants cost € 279.00*) while the chrome-plated version costs € 299.00*). Everything Made in Germany, so Wunderlich also provides a 5 year warranty.

    Wunderlich offers combinable engine and tank protection bar designs for all current BMW motorcycles as well as a range of older model series.

    44140-101 - Wunderlich fairing and tank protection bar  silver
    44140-102 - Wunderlich fairing and tank protection bar  black
    44140-103 - Wunderlich fairing and tank protection bar chrome-plated

    * Prices may vary from country to country

  • unnamed

    Boot jack
    Comfortable footrest pad for the BMW R 1250 GS Adventure and R 1200 GS Adventure

    The original metal footrests of the R 1200 GS LC Adventure and the R 1250 GS Adventure are perfectly designed for off-road use: they are robust, sturdy and tolerant to dirt. Even when covered with dust and mud they provide secure footing. They offer plenty of grip – at the expense of comfort. Which is fine, up to a point.

    However, a solution that is ideal on rough terrain can quickly become uncomfortable in daily use or when riding without cross-boots. Unsightly damage to less robust footwear is also a possibility as the protruding tips of the metal footrests will leave their mark. And when manoeuvring with unprotected shins, there is always the risk of a painful injury.

    With this in mind, Wunderlich has developed rubber footrest pads for normal everyday use – for travelling, the daily commute to the office or simply riding around the city. Its profiled surface offers perfect grip. The pads are positively mounted and not only protrude over the edge of the original footrests but also surround them – so any shin contact is guaranteed to be painless. Your shoes will also remain unblemished. In addition, they ensure a pleasant damping of the engine vibrations. The secure attachment of the footrest pads is ensured thanks to the precisely shaped counterholder, which is attached from below via two screw fastenings. And when the terrain gets rough, they can be quickly and easily removed so you can enjoy some hard riding.

    Typically Wunderlich: the comfortable and secure footrest is of course resistant to wind, weather, petrol and oil and is also flexible in the cold. This is why Wunderlich offers a 5-year guarantee. The price for one pair is € 39.90*).

    25914-002 - Wunderlich footrest pad - Set - black

  • wwww

    Armi a bagagli! Facciamo sul serio!
    Wunderlich si trasferisce

    la data del nostro insediamento nella nuova sede è ormai vicina. Siamo lieti di inaugurare la nostra nuova “casa” e di poterle dare il benvenuto a partire dal 30 settembre 2019.

    Al seguente link potrà trovare tutte le informazioni utili, altre seguiranno a breve:


    Il web shop e l’app saranno disponibili anche durante il trasloco dal 21 al 29 settembre 2019!

    Il nostro web shop e la nostra app Wunderlich restano disponibili. Potrà quindi conferire comodamente i suoi ordini online nel modo consueto.

  • w1319

    For excess baggage
    Wunderlich luggage rails for the big BMW touring motorbikes

    The functional Wunderlich luggage rails for the Vario cases of the BMW GS models enjoy great popularity among the GS community thanks to their high utility value. Now the BMW accessories specialists from Sinzig are adding to the range and presenting the luggage rails for the big BMW touring motorbikes BMW R 1250 RT, R 1200 RT LC, K 1600 GT and GTL.

    The tops of the cases have always been a good choice for transporting additional soft luggage. Many touring riders therefore pack their travel bags, mats or tents, lashed more or less securely with a strap, directly onto the side cases. Not only are the fastenings often not secure but there is also the danger of damaging the paint on the tops and lids of the cases as the additional luggage and straps rub against them. This is especially true for the painted cases on the big BMW touring motorbikes. These are aspects that the product developers at Wunderlich have taken into consideration. The result is functional luggage rails that allow luggage to be securely fastened into place without damaging the delicate painted case surfaces.

    In addition, the Sinzigers have perfectly adapted the basic idea of the luggage rails to match the high-quality design and style of the big BMW touring motorbikes: They mount on the original brackets very simply and securely without having to drill the cases. Thanks to the tubular steel structure, the luggage can be securely strapped into place. The luggage rails are permanently installed and are designed so that the opening handle of the case can be easily operated from above. This means that the contents of the case can be accessed at any time and the cases can be removed if necessary if the luggage rails are not being used for excess baggage. This is extremely practical.

    Thanks to their integral design and high-quality workmanship, the luggage rails have a high recognition value and are a real eye-catcher. They perfectly highlight the line of BMW’s RT, GT and GTL cases.

    The practical rails are handcrafted from precision steel tubing. They are available in two versions: High-quality chrome-plated or powder-coated in black. Wunderlich supplies the luggage rails with a mounting kit and five-year warranty. They are completely Made in Germany and cost €199.90​*) per side.

    20570-100 - Wunderlich luggage rails – right – chromed
    20570-200 - Wunderlich luggage rails – left – chromed
    20570-102  - Wunderlich luggage rails – right – black
    20570-202  - Wunderlich luggage rails – left – black

  • w1019

    Mind the Gap!
    Improved protection for the BMW R 1250 GS and R 1200 GS LC

    Small measure. Great effect. Everyone knows that: If you ride the BMW R 1250 GS or the R 1200 GS LC with the original luggage carrier for the aluminum cases in the rain, then the turbulent spray between cases and rear frame inevitably rages upwards from the rear wheel. It either wets the back of the driver or in pillion operation, the thighs of the passenger from below. If you move on gravel roads in Scandinavia or in Africa, dirt and possibly rock gravel are added.


    Wunderlich has developed a very easy-to-install cover for spray protection for the large BMW GS models, which closes the opening accurately. So that neither spray nor crushed stones pass through. Even when traveling without cases, the covers provide noticeably better protection for the crew. The Wunderlich design subtly follows the line of the rear frame and the original luggage rack. Solid stiffening beads and form fitting integration provide high component rigidity and stability while reducing weight and the proverbial integrated design inherent in all Wunderlich components. The price of the covers (set for the right and left side), which are Made in Germany, is 69.90 €*, including a five years warranty.

    37901-001 - Luggage Carrier Spray Protection silver
    37901-002 - Luggage Carrier Spray Protection black

  • w042019

    Wunderlich components for the excellent BMW R 1250 RT

    When you look in magazines and online, it‘s clear that the brilliant BMW R 1250 GS and its variants are on everyone‘s lips. At the same time it almost seems as if the at least equally excellent BMW R 1250 RT has faded into the background a little in the public‘s perception. Both the R 1250 GS and the RT were the highlights of the motorcycle expo at Intermot 2018 in Cologne.

    Looking at the immense range that Wunderlich is offering just in time for delivery of the first BMW R 1250 RT, it quickly becomes clear: The Wunderlich developers have very clearly devoted the same ingenious passion to the RT as they did with the GS. Anyone who wants to personalise and optimise the suspension or design of their RT will definitely find what they‘re looking for here. The same goes for model-specific luggage solutions and the comprehensive active and passive protection for the machine.

    Experience shows that components, which BMW motorcyclists think Wunderlich has outstanding product competence for, are always the first choice: This includes the comfortable »ERGO« seats, relieving and protective »MARATHON« tour windscreens and wind deflectors, handlebar risers, adjustable foot rest systems as well as brake and clutch levers when it comes to the ergonomic, personalised adjustment of the RT to your own needs. Passive safety can be significantly enhanced with the modularly constructed, coordinated Wunderlich protection bars for the engine, tank, faring and cases. Whether it‘s luggage solutions, navigation and design, auxiliary headlights and headlight protectors, extra mirrors or additional faring complements - Wunderlich components for the BMW R 1250 RT leave nothing to be desired.

    Wunderlich products always stand for top quality, integrated design, sophisticated functionality, the best materials and careful manufacture and craftsmanship.

    Wunderlich offers components for all current BMW motorcycles and lots of older model series.

  • 456

    BMW R 1250 GS: Wunderlich delivers – just in time!
    Wunderlich components for the new GS flagship product, the BMW R 1250 GS

    BMW Motorrad had barely presented the new BMW R 1250 GS as a trade show highlight at INTERMOT 2018, held at the start of October in Cologne, and the Wunderlich developers are already enthusiastically working hard to design components for the new, promising and versatile BMW GS flagship product!

    Wunderlich had promised to unveil its range for the 1250 series GS and RT at EICMA, which was being held just four weeks later. And they kept their word!

    Frank Hoffmann, Managing Director at Wunderlich, and Felix Wunderlich, Authorised Officer, unveiled the extensive range at the press conference. The 1250-series product portfolio for the most powerful and efficient GS will of course cover every aspect of Wunderlich‘s areas of specialisation: ergonomics & comfort, all-round protection, luggage solutions, Wunderlich suspension and other accessories too! For over 33 years, these have represented Wunderlich‘s core areas of expertise and its products have impressed ever since with their integrated design and superlative functionality. All of the products are being developed and manufactured in line with Wunderlich’s principles of integrated design, clever functionality, premium quality and “Made in Germany”. And let‘s not forget: They also promise simply more enjoyment from driving!

    The GS impresses even in its series version thanks to its excellent touring capabilities, but the sophisticated components from Wunderlich make it a real long-distance marvel. The ERGO seats are utterly legendary, allowing enormous distances to be covered without fatigue, while touring screens and flaps provide the ultimate in wind protection for the driver and passenger. The handlebar, brake and clutch levers can be ergonomically adjusted to highly individual and changing needs, just like the foot rests. If the worst happens, the GS offers demonstrable all-round protection from costly damage. To assist with this, Wunderlich has developed its own engine protection bar complete with extension, which very effectively protects the new ShiftCam cylinder head. And the touring model‘s extensive luggage options have been expanded even further with the additional solutions from Wunderlich.

    Whether it be for navigation or to enhance the look, an additional headlight or headlight guard, additional mirror or additional trim panels, the components from Wunderlich impress and satisfy every requirement. Even now, in parallel with the delivery of the first available machines, Wunderlich is offering an immense selection of components to match the new BMW R 1250 GS! Other components are currently undergoing testing and development. The entire product range can be found at www.bmw-r1250gs.com, in Wunderlich’s online shop and of course at Wunderlich’s premises in Sinzig! If you‘d like to take a peek at the Wunderlich GS, the international EICMA motorbike fair in Milan at the start of November will provide plenty of opportunities to do so.

    Here is a small selection of the exclusive products from Wunderlich for the BMW R 1250 GS:
    41970-011 Wunderlich »ERGO« handlebar riser - 25mm
    41970-111 Wunderlich »ERGO+« handlebar riser - 40mm
    25910-20x Wunderlich »ERGO-Comfort« low footrest
    26000-101 Wunderlich passenger lowering
    27380-100 Wunderlich side stand enlarger
    42710-20x Wunderlich »MARATHON« windscreen
    42710-30x Wunderlich »MARATHON« windscreen incl. screen reinforcement
    42721-002 Wunderlich lowering kit for driver‘s seat
    42742-102 Wunderlich set of frame caps, 11-piece
    21083-002 Wunderlich glare protection for Connectivity Display - black
    42720-xxx Wunderlich »AKTIVKOMFORT« seat
    44940-00x Wunderlich »ERGO« hand guard extension - black or smoked grey
    20420-402 Wunderlich folding headlight protection grill
    26660-300 Wunderlich »CLEAR« headlight protector - black
    27910-20x Wunderlich »CLEAR PROTECT« foot guard - transparent or smoked grey
    20350-002 Wunderlich Paralever crash pad »DOUBLESHOCK« - black
    20351-002 Wunderlich Kardan guard - black
    40821-102 Wunderlich Splash guard - black
    27830-100 Wunderlich »EXTENDA FENDER« - front

  • 123

    Launch - BMW R 1250 RT travel damper ante portas!
    The BMW R 1250 RT is about to launch, and Wunderlich is adding the finishing touches.

    They were the highlight of the Intermot 2018 trade fair in Cologne, and not just for BMW - the two brand-new R 1250 GS and RT models with the comprehensively redeveloped Boxer engine featuring ShiftCam technology.

    Wunderlich had promised to unveil its range for the 1250 series GS and RT at EICMA, which was being held just four weeks later. And they kept their word!

    Now, after the new GS, the RT supertourer sits in the motorbike accessories specialists‘ development workshop. And no sooner is the travel damper launched onto the market, but the Sinzig-based company is already offering its first components for it. In the legendary superb quality, Wunderlich supplies a large volume of high-quality accessories, especially in relation to ergonomics & comfort, all-round protection and luggage solutions. For over 33 years, these have represented Wunderlich‘s core areas of expertise and its products have impressed ever since with their integrated design and superlative functionality. All of the products are being developed and manufactured in line with Wunderlich’s principles of integrated design, clever functionality, premium quality and “Made in Germany”. And let‘s not forget: they also promise simply more enjoyment from driving!

    The RT impresses even in its series version thanks to its excellent touring capabilities, but the sophisticated components from Wunderlich make it a real long-distance marvel. The ERGO seats are utterly legendary, allowing enormous distances to be covered without fatigue, while touring screens and flaps provide the ultimate in wind protection for the driver and passenger. The handlebar, brake and clutch levers can be ergonomically adjusted to highly individual and changing needs, just like the foot rests. If the worst happens, the RT offers demonstrable all-round protection from costly damage. To assist with this, Wunderlich has developed its own engine protection bar, which very effectively protects the new ShiftCam cylinder head. And the touring model‘s extensive luggage options have been expanded even further with the additional solutions from Wunderlich.

    Whether it be for navigation or to enhance the look, an additional headlight or headlight guard, additional mirror or additional trim panels, the components from Wunderlich impress and satisfy every requirement. Even now, in parallel with the delivery of the first available machines, Wunderlich is offering an immense selection of components to match the new BMW R 1250 RT! Other components are currently undergoing testing and development. The entire product range can be found at www.bmw-r1250rt.com, in Wunderlich’s online shop and of course at Wunderlich’s premises in Sinzig! If you‘d like to take a peek at the Wunderlich RT, the international EICMA motorbike fair in Milan at the start of November will provide plenty of opportunities to do so.

    Here is a small selection of the exclusive products from Wunderlich for the BMW R 1250 RT:
    20350-002 Wunderlich »DOUBLESHOCK« shaft drive crash pad
    20351-002 Wunderlich Kardan guard
    20450-101 Wunderlich case protection bar
    42155-002 Wunderlich »DOUBLESHOCK« axle crash pads
    30370-201 Wunderlich »MARATHON« windscreen
    27520-301 Wunderlich hand guards
    31040-201 Wunderlich R 1250 RT handlebar riser
    30930-220 Wunderlich R 1250 RT Ergo driver‘s seat with seat heating and gel inlay
    30940-210 Wunderlich R 1250 RT Ergo passenger seat with seat heating and gel inlay
    42721-002 Wunderlich lowering kit for driver‘s seat
    21170-402 Wunderlich R 1250 RT satnav securing kit for Navigator VI
    32420-302 Wunderlich side stand enlarger
    26240-001 Wunderlich Gear lever enlargement touring
    26231-001 Wunderlich Brake lever enlargement
    20570-003 Wunderlich rail for BMW top case
    40700-100 Wunderlich holder for »ELEPHANT« tank bag
    32890-302 Wunderlich »MICRO FLOOTER« R 1250 RT LED auxiliary headlamp

  • w2518

    Keep calm!
    Wunderlich is improving the wind protection on the BMW F 750/850 GS

    The standard wind protection on BMW’s new twin-cylinder series certainly leaves something to be desired. Every now and then, the airflow ends up giving both riders and passengers a right battering. If you’re on the hunt for some quietness and would also like to find the perfect wind and weather protection for your F 750 or 850 GS, you’re in the right place coming to Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories. With its »EXTREME« windscreen, the Sinzig-based company guarantees far less turbulence, vibration and noise in all speed ranges. Thanks to the ideal aerodynamics and the clever, extended flaps on the sides, the windscreen even works in the entire shoulder area and around the underarms. The wind protection cuts a convincing figure with clearly defined flows.

    The robust screen is made of visually clear and petrolresistant PMMA plastic with material thickness of 5 mm. It is extremely sturdy, solidly attached and is easy to assemble. The »EXTREME« is available in a transparent or smoked grey variant and in designs that suit the short or long original windscreen bracket. Depending on the version, the windscreen costs €199.90 or €219. Wunderlich provides a five-year warranty, and a German type approval (ABE) is also included.

  • w2418

    Clever shifting
    The individually adjustable Wunderlich gear shift lever »CLEVER LEVER« for the BMW F 750/850 GS

    With its new gear shift lever »CLEVER LEVER«, Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories, is launching a clever alternative to the gear shift lever on the F 850 and 750 GS, which is not adjusatble. Its continuously variable length locking mechanism for an optimum adjustment and shifting gears becomes as smooth as butter thank‘s to its roller bearing-mounted innovative gear shift lever tip. The »CLEVER LEVER« is reliably prevented from bending, which can even happen during a minor fall, due to a wear-free stainless steel folding mechanism.

    The Wunderlich lever also features a special highlight: a gear changing adjusting mechanism, which permits long shift travel for comfortably gear shifting with large offroad boots as well as short shift travel for onroad use.

    The extremely lightweight yet high-strength »CLEVER LEVER« made of CNC-milled 7075 T6 aluminium is completely Made in Germany. It comes with a five-year guarantee for €119.90.

  • w2318

    The lighter way to enjoy life – with a stand
    Wunderlich is setting the BMW G 310 GS up on the centre stand

    The centre stand on the motorcycle is an extremely helpful optional feature. Whether you’re maintaining the chain, loading the bike, or simply just parking in your garage at home in a way that saves space and is gentle on the tyres – the centre stand provides a lighter way to enjoy life.

    Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories is now tailoring a sturdy centre stand, which was excluded from the original equipment, to BMW’s lightest enduro, the G 310 GS. The favourable leverage does more than make jacking the 310 as easy as possible. It also means that the bike stands as steady as a rock. The stand, made of a powder-coated steel tube, is assembled at the original attachment points and offers maximum security with a double spring assembly.

    The centre stand is Made in Germany, comes with a german type approval and the complete attachment kit including installation instructions, and costs €159.90. Wunderlich provides the five-year warranty as usual. You will find all kinds of other useful accessories for the G 310 GS in Wunderlich’s well-stocked online shop at www.wunderlich.de/en/.

  • w2218

    Protect your hands!
    Wider hand protectors for the latest BMW GS models and the S 1000 XR

    Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories, offers significantly more in terms of protection from moisture and the cold with its new hand protector extender. The black, solid-dyed protection made from highly durable, scratch and breakage-resistant ABS plastic increases the very small original hand protectors, multiplies their efficiency and therefore not only creates a discreet and effective, but also visually highly appealing form of all-round protection.

    The design impresses in terms of its effect, its perfect fit and the rounded, perfectly finished edges. Installation is simplicity itself, and no entry is required in the vehicle paperwork. They fit the S 1000 XR and all current BMW GS models with the exception of the G 310 GS.

    The set for both sides comes with installation instructions and a five-year warranty for Euro 129.90, and a smoke grey version is also available for the same price. The extenders are completely Made in Europe.

  • w2118

    For keen riders!
    New R nineT seats from Wunderlich

    Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories, has completely redesigned the R nineT’s seat. Now enthusiastic R nineT riders are spoiled for choice, as the product, which is suitable for long distances, isn’t just available as a complete seat and as a single seat for both the rider and the passenger; it comes in three different colours too. The seats fit all R nineT models, excluding the racer.

    One thing that all seats have in common is a painstakingly crafted foam core with a special material structure and a new contour, as well as a brand-new shell. The progressive two-layer structure with a soft top layer and a rigid core guarantees even distribution of forces, thus guaranteeing optimised weight distribution across the entire seat and relieving the pressure on the coccyx. The sweat-reducing, grippy cover material looks classy, while the dropped and additionally welded “Cut” seams also help to create a high-quality finish.

    All of the seats come in the colours black, brown or classic orange as an option. They are all completely made in Germany, and Wunderlich offers a five-year warranty. Depending on the design and the colour, the seats cost between €299 and €519.

  • wcb

    Ice-cold luggage
    Cool bag summer campaign at Wunderlich

    Summer is well and truly here – the summer sun is blazing in a clear blue sky and sending temperatures soaring. So when you’re outdoors on a motorbike, you need to think about a little cool refreshment – to keep a cool head in the hectic heat.

    Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high quality BMW motorcycle accessories, is doing its bit to help by providing a practical cool bag along with some of its functional luggage solutions – as a free complementary product. The quality bag is completely free of PVC and food-safe. It fits perfectly in a tank bag or seat bag and keeps drinks, fruit, chocolate bars and much more besides refreshingly cool for a longer period of time. This cool offer is available from now on to the start of the autumn on 23 September 2018 while the substantial stocks in Sinzig last for the following parts from the Wunderlich range:

    »Elephant Black Edition« tank bag; part no. 20600-000; €199.90
    »Elephant Camouflage Edition« tank bag; part no. 20600-200; €209.00
    »Elephant« seat and luggage rack bag; part no. 44150-000; €179.90
    »Elephant« topcase bag; part no. 44160-000; €149.90
    »Elephant Basic Edition« tank; bag part no. 40980-000; €159.90
    »BagPacker ll« pannier bag, left; part no. 20790-000; €119.90
    »BagPacker ll« pannier bag, right; part no. 20790-100; €119.90 119,90 €
    S1000R / RR seat and luggage rack bag; part no. 44150-100; €179.90

  • w1918

    Wunderlich – Mission accomplished
    Comprehensive range for the BMW F 750 GS

    At long last, the time has finally come – following on from four-times German Enduro Champion Dirk Thelen showing just what the new BMW 850 GS is capable of during the Mission d’Agadir, its sister model, BMW’s long-awaited F 750 GS, is now rolling into shops. At the same time, the motorcycle accessories specialist Wunderlich is already showing off its powerful product range for the attractive two-cylinder enduro all-rounder.

    The 750 is actually a universal motorbike designed to suit all purposes. Whether you’re heading off on an evening ride or a long journey, hitting the road or simply going about your daily travels in the city, this GS is ready for everything. The good aspects become perfect thanks to Wunderlich’s clever components. The Sinzig-based specialists for high-quality accessories offer a wide range of sophisticated solutions and helpful details in relation to Wunderlich’s core competencies – namely ergonomics, comfort, security and luggage.

    You can head off on your tour with customised tank bags and the practical seat and luggage rack bags; the sophisticated engine and tank protection bars, meanwhile, keep the asphalt at a distance should the worst happen, and the water cooler protection keeps the cooling unit intact during more than just fun offroad rides. The foldable headlight protection grill reliably prevents expensive damage to the headlamp, and the clever anti-theft system for the helmet allows you to relax while you’re taking a break. The special highlights of the Wunderlich range are the windscreens, which are already available in different versions.

    Since the extensive product portfolio for the 750 series is readily available, the BMW specialists from the Rhine region are proving their expertise in motorcycle accessories yet again. And Wunderlich simply wouldn’t be Wunderlich if they didn’t already had a plenty of new ideas and products in their pipeline.

    The complete range for the F 750 GS can be found at www.bmw-f750gs.com

  • w0618

    BMW Motorrad Days 2018 – C’eravamo anche noi

    È sempre un evento travolgente: migliaia di amanti del motociclismo che si incontrano in un contesto da sogno ai piedi dell’imponente massiccio della Zugspitze, scambiano opinioni, partecipano a escursioni di gruppo, si informano presso gli innumerevoli stand o semplicemente si lasciano trascinare dall’appassionante e variegato programma della manifestazione. In poche parole: anche quest'anno, i BMW Motorrad Days a Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Alta Baviera, sono stati un grande successo.

    Con svariate moto da esposizione, le nostre concept bike e una nuovissima F 750 GS, il nostro grande stand al centro dell’ampia area fieristica è stato un approdo inevitabile per moltissimi amici della BMW. Le nostre innumerevoli chiacchierate sono state naturalmente incentrate sulle intramontabili BMW GS ed RT, ma abbiamo ricevuto molte domande anche sulle nostre idee e sui nostri prodotti della famiglia R nineT, in particolare sulle nostre inconfondibili conversioni della Urban GS e della Scrambler, nonché sui prodotti del nostro compagno di stand SP-Connect.

    Tra i fan BMW accorsi ha destato molto interesse anche la presentazione del nostro pilota Dirk Thelen. In primavera, il pluricampione tedesco di Enduro ha partecipato con successo all’Enduro d'Agadir con una F 850 GS. Il suo film e la successiva sessione di autografi al nostro stand sono stati dei veri e propri highlight.

    Desideriamo ringraziare di cuore tutti i visitatori e gli amici che, nonostante qualche goccia di pioggia di troppo, hanno reso questo incontro ancora una volta un evento fantastico. Non vediamo già l’ora di poter partecipare ai BMW Motorrad Days del 2019, dal 5 al 7 luglio. Noi ci saremo!

  • w1818

    A shade-giving shield
    Wunderlich covers the cockpit

    As much as motorcyclists are thrilled when the superb summer weather arrives, the sunshine landing on the instruments often makes them difficult to read and casts a cloud over riding pleasure. But Wunderlich, the No. 1 worldwide for high-end BMW accassories has a tried-and-tested piece of equipment to prevent this.

    For almost every current BMW model, the german company offers an effective cockpit glare shield, which is simply clipped onto the instruments and prevents glare thanks to its sophisticated shape. The shield also significantly improves the rather drab-looking appearance of fittings and protects their plastic from bleaching.

    The covers, which are made of black, UV-resistant ABS material, are carefully made for a perfect fit and are reliably and stably held in place even at high speeds due to a clip system. Functional sun visors for the TFT screens of the new BMW models and for almost all common navigation devices are also included in the range from the accessories specialist.

    All of the shields are made in Germany and Wunderlich offers a five-year warranty. Prices range between €29.90 and €79.90 depending on the model and the cockpit size.

    Part numbers:
    43882-002 Wunderlich cockpit glare protection black, 79,90 €
    for F 650 GS, F 700 GS, F 800 GS/GT/R/ST, R 1200 R
    43880-102 Wunderlich cockpit glare protection black, 79,90 €
    for R 1200 GS LC + Adv
    21081-002 Wunderlich cockpit glare protection black, 39,90 €
    for R 1200 R LC / R 1200 RS LC
    21060-001/002 Wunderlich cockpit glare protection sil./bl. 69,90 €
    for R 1200 RT LC
    21082-002 Wunderlich cockpit glare protection black, 49,90 €
    for K 1600 B/Gran America/GT
    Prices including 19% VAT for Germany

  • wspp

    Wunderlich Pikes Peak 2018 Wunderlich MOTORSPORT rides to success at the legendary Pikes Peak yet again on BMW S 1000 R!

    Wunderlich MOTORSPORT can look back on a very special, eventful June. On 24 June 2018, the team successfully competed on two continents and on two legendary race tracks: the Nürburgring as part of the Reinoldus Endurance Cup, and in the USA at Pikes Peak.

    Frank Hoffmann, team leader and Wunderlich managing director, managed to engage the road racer Thilo Günther (#10) and one of the top EWC endurance racer Lucy Glöckner (#12) for the Hill Climb at Pikes Peak in the west of the USA.

    The “Race to the Clouds” held at Pikes Peak on Sunday was again very close indeed. Wunderlich MOTORSPORT used two BMW S 1000 R, which were technically perfectly prepared, to chase down the factory-backed teams.

    The two riders were able to take fantastic fourth and fifth places in the Heavyweight Motorcycle Class behind KTM’s and Ducati’s factory-backed teams, clocking times of 10:16.637 (Thilo Günther, number 10) and 10:21.932 (Lucy Glöckner, number 12).

    Wunderlich MOTORSPORT therefore ranked fifth and sixth among all motorcycles. Overall (taking racing cars and motorcycles into account), Thilo and Lucy rank 21st and 23rd respectively in a first-class starter field made up of 73 starters.

    The team managed to gradually improve in terms of both performance and times during the training sessions by fine-tuning the engine and chassis of the BMW S 1000 R, thus enabling them to achieve this success.

    They therefore provided more than ample proof of the Sinzig-based riding team’s outstanding performance capability. The Wunderlich MOTORSPORT team received support from the ProKASRO racing team, which plays an active role in the Endurance World Championships (EWC)! Thilo Günther managed to shorten the gap to winner Carlin Dunn, who is basically at home on Pikes Peak, to just 17 s on the track, which measures 20 km long and is situated at an altitude of 4,300 m!

    Lucy, who was a rookie when it came to this legendary race – where riders can’t afford to make mistakes and there are no run-out zones, just the abyss – deserves special recognition for her performance, as she took to it like a duck to water. Respect!

    Following on from Thilo taking fifth place in the Heavyweight Class (tenth place among all motorcycles) last year on a high-torque BMW R 1200 R LC prepared by Wunderlich MOTORSPORT, we have now taken another key step in the right direction with the far more powerful BMW S 1000 R which Wunderlich prepared.

    Wunderlich MOTORSPORT would like to offer its sincere congratulations to its colleagues at VW Motorsport for their sensational win with their electric Volkswagen I.D. R Pikes Peak, driven by Romain Dumas! The Wolfsburg-based team set a stunning new record, clocking a finish time of 7:57.148 and thereby shaving 16 s off the previous record.

  • w072018

    The ideal supplement for Bagger enthusiasts!
    A stylish windscreen for the BMW K 1600 Bagger from Wunderlich

    Finally, a Bagger windscreen that lives up to its name! With the “CRUISE” windscreen, which the BMW specialist Wunderlich tailored specifically to the body of the BMW K 1600 B, the team from Sinzig created a visually appealing Bagger windscreen that integrates itself impeccably into the imposing front end and the typical Bagger silhouette. The cut of the windscreen, which is made of extremly durable and 5 mm thick PMMA plastic, now follows the alignment of the upper fittings and gives the powerful Bagger a coherent and harmonious character.

    This windscreen lets the rider move their Bagger exactly how it’s meant to move: With the screen fully down, you can enjoy the full flow of air for relaxed cruising in style, and when raised the screen guarantees adequate wind protection for quick passages or riding on the motorway. The stylish Bagger windscreen is available in smoked grey and black coloured, and the black screen in particular emphasises the robust character of the Bagger.

    In addition to providing a visual improvement, Wunderlich’s Bagger windscreen also provides a harmonious flow with zero turbulence thanks to its ingenious shape. The windscreen is easy to install as Wunderlich managed continuing to use the original fittings. The windscreen also fits to all other 1600 BMW models, is made in Europe and comes with a type approval (ABE) for €179.90.

    Part numbers:
    35380-403 Wunderlich “CRUISE” windscreen, black, €179.90
    35380-403 Wunderlich “CRUISE” windscreen, smoked grey, €179.90

  • wgs

    Wunderlich GS Day 2018
    Stollen, sunshine and sensation

    A dusty delight!

    GS-Day is when enthusiastic BMW GS riders meet at Wunderlich. It was that time again last Saturday, when 500 to 600 GS enthusiasts made their way to Sinzig on their BMW enduros in splendid sunshine.

    The manufacturer of high-quality BMW motorcycle accessories had opened its doors and organized a versatile and varied programme. The entertainment on offer included a prize draw (where entrants could win prizes) and the exclusive offroad training session under the professional instruction of Dirk Thelen, the several-times German Enduro Champion.

    The event took place in a relaxed atmosphere, with attendees meeting like-minded people and speaking the same language. During the presentation of the new Wunderlich components or in the test centre, visitors had the opportunity speak to the specialists while trying out the ergonomic seats, spoiler attachments or windscreens. As always, this was easy to do, because the Wunderlich employees are passionate motorcyclists themselves.

    With breakfast, lunch, coffee and cake on offer, visitors were perfectly well catered for, and once again had a fantastic view of the offroad training session from the open, shaded tent, so they could follow it and offer their expert commentary.

    The entertaining, relaxed event drew to a close with the certificates being handed over to the participants of the offroad training session and the prizes being awarded to the winners of the prize draw.

    The next Wunderlich GS Day will take place in summer 2019.

  • w1618

    A sneak peek behind the scenes
    Wunderlich offers in-depth insights into BMW´s aircooled flat twins

    In demand in many places – turned into a reality by Wunderlich: Transparency has become a major trend! For all air-cooled, four-valve BMW flat twins, including all the R nineT models, the accessories specialist Wunderlich now offers transparent valve covers in its range.

    The fascinating valve covers, made of latest-generation, 5-millimetre-thick technopolymer, simply replace the standard covers – and that’s all that’s needed for an unobstructed view of the valves and timing chain and how they operate and work; the engine sound does not change. The permanently stable and high-quality material has an extremely scratch-resistant surface coating and can be used in temperatures ranging from -50 to 180°C. The seal makes it resistant to all plastic-compatible cleaning products and chemicals.

    No ABE or TÜV approval is required for the exclusive valve covers; they come as a set including new seals for €749.00.

  • w042018

    Wunderlich GS-Day il 30 giugno 2018

    Il nostro GS-Day d’estate è ormai diventato un appuntamento fisso. Anche quest’anno invitiamo tutti i conducenti di BMW GS e G/S da noi a Sinzig. Che guidiate moto da 1200, 800 o 650 cc, a due o quattro cilindri, con pneumatici da strada o da fuoristrada, basta che sia una GS o una G/S: il 30 giugno 2018 siete benvenuti al Wunderlich GS-Day!

    A partire dalle10 verrà offerta una colazione, il nostro Shop concederà un 10% di sconto e il nostro servizio di installazione vi fornirà consigli pratici. Al contempo, naturalmente, ci sarà l’opportunità di scambiare pareri tecnici con altri appassionati e con il nostro team.

    Il momento saliente del GS-Day, tuttavia, sarà come l’anno scorso il nostro Offroad Training con il pluricampione tedesco di enduro Dirk Thelen. È rivolto ai conducenti e alle conducenti di GS che vogliono imparare come si sterza, frena e guida fuori dall’asfalto. Ma niente paura, non si tratta di un corsa all’ultimo respiro, bensì di nozioni di base del fuoristrada. Per tutti i dettagli di questa imperdibile giornata e per registrarsi visitare www.wunderlich.de

    Il GS-Day, per il quale non è necessaria alcuna registrazione, e l’Offroad Training si terranno presso la nostra sede di Sinzig, Kranzweiherweg 12.

    Non vediamo l’ora di poter vivere un’interessante GS-Day, un divertente Offroad Training e naturalmente di accogliere tutti voi!

  • w142018

    Sun protection
    Wunderlich glare protection for the BMW TFT

    BMW riders have recently been able to order their new R 1200 GS, the Adventure sister model, plus the new F 750 GS and the F 850 GS, with the new “Connectivity” option. The heart of the system is a 6.5”, coloured TFT screen, which replaces the existing Cockpit. Whether you use it as a communication and navigation system, to display various pieces of data, to make calls or to listen to music, the TFT is a real all-rounder. However, it also has one weakness. Depending on the light conditions or the sunlight, it becomes hard to read due to reflections and glare.

    The screen becomes far easier to read with the perfect-fit glare protection from Wunderlich. The quality element made of black, UV-resistant ABS plastic is simply clipped on, but offers an unshakeable hold and covers the entire TFT housing. It also gives the cockpit a significant visual upgrade.

    The glare protection is Made in Germany and costs €29.90. The BMW accessories specialists provide a five-year warranty.

    Item number:
    21083-002 Glare protection for TFT cockpit, 6.5”, €29.90​

  • w132018

    Gear up
    Wunderlich components and accessories for the BMW F 850 GS

    Just in time for the roll-out of the new BMW F 850 GS in the middle of May 2018, Wunderlich, the specialist for high-quality components for BMW motorcycles, is launching its extensive range for the versatile travel enduro.

    “The potential of the new BMW F 850 GS is more than promising. If we didn’t know this before, it was certainly made clear by Dirk Thelen’s successful and highly regarded performance in this year’s Enduro d’Agadir”, states Frank Hoffmann, Managing Director of Wunderlich GmbH. “This is reason enough for us to devote all our energies to the enduro”, adds Felix Wunderlich, who is Head of the Development Department.

    Anyone keen to customise their new GS to their needs will find more than just the Ergonomics / Comfort, All-Round Protection, Luggage Solutions, Wunderlich Suspension and Motomedia product categories, which have been synonymous with Wunderlich’s expertise from the very outset, as the range now includes numerous other products and solutions which are perfect for the F 850 GS.

    Intelligently designed and perfectly adapted engine and tank protection bars, foldable lamp protection grilles or water cooler protection all provide effective protection for the travel enduro’s critical components. They are just as much prominent features of the Wunderlich range as the convenient handlebar riser, the integrated Sport tank bag, the discreet and effective extender fender or the Wunderlich helmet lock.

    Being able to offer enthusiastic enduro riders such a wide range of high-quality and functional components so soon after the F 850 GS model launch, Wunderlich is once again proving how much potential for development, speed, innovative spirit and customer focus it really has.

    But this is just the first stage. Anyone who knows the Sinzig-based company knows that it will already have additional components in the pipeline. So Wunderlich is the absolute go-to company for all those who’d like to protect and customise their F 850 GS.

  • w122018

    Wunderlich hand guards »BLACK EDITION« ​
    Wunderlich hand guards for many BMW models now also available in black

    Word has long since gotten round among tourer and roadster riders that hand guards can be used on more than just offroad bikes. The universal protection directly in front of the hand offers numerous benefits.

    Wunderlich, the BMW motorcycle accessories specialist, provides the perfect hand guards for owners of almost all current BMW Boxer, F and K models, as well as for the G 310 R and GS. The hand guard, harmoniously matched to the respective model and made of highly durable, scratch-resistant and shatter-resistant acrylic plastic, is optionally available as a transparent, a smoky grey and now even a new black variant. Using a lightweight and unobtrusive fitting kit, the hand guards are assembled quickly and easily and provide reliable protection from the cold, rain and dirt. They can be used both with and without handle heating, with all handlebar end weights and with the proven Wunderlich cruise control.

    The guards are TÜV-free, and ABE and registration are not required. Including a five-year warranty, the kit costs €119.90 (Price includes 19% VAT for Germany) per vehicle. You will find the full selection in Wunderlich’s well-stocked online shop at www.wunderlich.de

    27520-203 hand guard for F 650/700/800 GS, F 800 R, R 1200 GS/R/RT
    27520-303 hand guard for R 1200 GS LC/R LC/RS LC/RT LC, R nineT
    27520-403 hand guard for K 1600 GT/GTL
    27520-413 hand guard for K 1600 B, Grand America, GT/GTL (2017)
    27520-504 hand guard for R nineT (2017), Pure, Scrambler, Urban G/S
    27520-603 hand guard for G 310 R/GS

  • w112018

    Frame range
    Wunderlich offers frame protectors for Boxer models

    The central design of the current Roadster, Sport and Adventure Boxers from BMW is unmistakeable. The mandatory bridge frame with a trellis design connects behind the distinctive boxer engine. As lightweight and durable as this frame is, it has one main drawback: the pipes end in unsightly openings. Not only are they rather unattractive, they get dirty quickly and corrosion nests form.

    Wunderlich, the BMW accessory specialist, knows to prevent this in the long term. The Sinzig-based company uses high-quality, resistant covers made of a special, black hard rubber material to close the visually unappealing frame openings and to significantly contribute to the preservation of the boxer models’ value.

    The reliably positioned cover frames are available as a complete 11-part set for the current R 1200 GS, or as a three-part set for the current R 1200 R and RS. The set costs €49.90 and is Made in Germany. Wunderlich also offers a five-year warranty for it. A two-part set, which costs €4.90, is also available for the ends of the tank protection bar of the R 1200 GS Adventure.

  • w102018

    Reach for the bottle
    Wunderlich liquid reservoir on the GS

    Whether it’s engine oil, a small stash of petrol, water or a refreshing drink – you can never have enough space on your bike for liquids. Wunderlich, the motorbike accessories specialist, now has a smart solution in its portfolio for the water-cooled GS and the Adventure. In the unused space between the body and fork, the Sinzig-based company has added an ingenious flask holder.

    The holder, made of powder-coated stainless steel, is mounted on the original attachment points, and slip-proof rubber mats and an adhesive strap mean that a 600 ml aluminium flask will be secure even on bumpy tracks. The flask is approved for operating fluids and is food safe, and also, thanks to the wide-neck cap, it is easy to clean and can be conveniently filled at the tap.

    Both the holder and the flask are completely Made in Germany. Wunderlich also provides a five-year warranty. The holder costs €29.90, and the flask costs €14.90.

  • w092018

    For bag and baggage
    Wunderlich creates space for soft luggage on the GS

    It’s a well-known fact that you can never have enough luggage on a tourer. That’s why many motorcyclists transport additional soft luggage such as bags, rolls, tent, and more besides on the side cases. Wunderlich, the specialist for BMW motorbike accessories, has developed helpful luggage rails for precisely this purpose.

    The rails are easily mounted on the original Vario case holders of the R 1200 GS, without any need for drilling. When the mounted luggage rails are used, even with luggage attached, the cases can of course also be opened without any problems and the volumes can be adjusted. The soft luggage can be tied down in a wobble-free and reliable way thanks to the four practical lashing rings per rail.

    The brackets are made of lightweight, high-stability stainless steel, thereby solving the often annoying issue of aluminium dust on the luggage. The luggage rails come in black, with a complete fitting set, and a five-year warranty. They are completely Made in Germany and cost €159.90 as a set for both sides.

  • w1004

    Wunderlich protects
    Stylistically confident protection for BMW K 1600 Bagger and Grand America

    For the models K 1600 B and Grand America engine protection bars which are stylistically confident as well as effective have now been tailored by Wunderlich. The high-quality bars accept the lines of the BMW 6-cylinder machine and its fairing continuing those right up to the luggage protection bars. Reduced to the essential, the bars reliably protect engine and fairing just in case. Visually perfectly integrated, the luggage case protection bars improve all-round security of the Bagger.

    If just toppled over or badly crashed, all involved forces are equally distributed by the elaborately curved round tube. Without modification, all bars are easily mounted to the fairing at its original attachment points ensuring utmost cornering clearance. They are road-legal and registration-free, Made in Germany and come with a 5 year warranty.

    The Wunderlich engine and luggage case protection bars are either available in black featuring a robust powder coating or in a chrome version.

  • w1603

    Wunderlich works
    Effective drive protection for BMW‘s Boxer

    The rear drive housing and joint on the BMW Boxer models is unprotected against everything that might come from beneath it. A high curb, a raised stone or just an everyday stone chip on a gravel road can cause expensive damage to the light metal housing on the rear axle drive.

    BMW accessory specialist Wunderlich knows to prevent this. The team from Sinzig delivers extreme effective protection for all current water-cooled Boxers that has already amply proven itself on- and off-road. The slim and discreet construction of stainless steel is 3 mm thick and black powdered. Mounting is easy and involves zero changes to the vehicle.

    The drive protection is completely Made in Germany and comes with a five-year guarantee.

    Item number:
    20351-002 Wunderlich Drive protection

  • w062018

    Save the Roadster
    Wunderlich protection for the BMW S 1000 R

    The most effective way to protect your bike against damage is to avoid having any kind of crash. For the case that something might happen a good precaution is indispensable. Therefore, BMW accessory specialist Wunderlich added a stylish and perfectly functional crash pad solution to their program for S 1000 R riders who want to give their Roadster a treat.

    The protectors are attached to a stable but discreet stainless-steel support and consist out of a highly mechanical resilient high tech plastic material which is not only stable but also high-quality processed. They are especially designed for the dynamical and sporty look of the S 1000 R and continues the alignment of the bike due to the fact, that Wunderlich uses the original fixing points of mounting.

    The complete set of „Racing“ crash pads is “Made in
    Germany” and is available in black titanium colored with a five-year guarantee.

    Part number:
    35831-103 Wunderlich „Racing“ crash pads - black titanium

  • w63

    Off to „Harley and Snow“!

    A new motorcycle event has been established in southern Tyrol in 2015.
    The event we are talking about is “Harley and Snow”, a mountain race, a wild motorcycle spectacle originally initiated for Harley riders which is held during extreme conditions throughout the winter period.

    We participate in one of the various classes, “speed hill climb” at which it is all about climbing a mountain as the fastest by only using a ski slope as race track in Ridnaun, Italy. This is more than challenging enough as by far not all drivers manage to climb the first part of this slope. Therefore, teams started to create numerous bike conversions and specials made for those conditions and to take part in the combat for victory. Long since the machines no longer only consist out of clumsy and heavy American old iron; participants are increasingly drawing upon Japanese and European brands.

    This year, BMW specialist Wunderlich is breathing ample performance into a radical conversion made for Jekill & Hyde, main sponsor of the event. This bike only slightly reminds you of its base form, a BMW R nineT Scrambler. For its very final finish, Wunderlich added several refinements with their components to this bike. Matthias Holzer, managing director of Jekill & Hyde made contact with Wunderlich´s CEO Mr. Frank Hoffmann to talk about the possibility of a cooperation and to suggest they accept the challenge together. And so, J&H handed their wild conversion, made by Nagel Motors and named “HUSKY”, over to the Wunderlich workshop: A monster with a long tubular swing arm, special spiked blade wheel tyres and - what else – with a complete Jekill & Hyde exhaust system.

    Who at Wunderlich is predestined for unrestrained, spectacular and fearless rides over mountains? Thilo Günther! He will therefore take up the hunt on the R nineT and impetuously set off into the mountains. The second driver will be Roland Stocker from BMW Motorrad. He is known as the spiritual father of the BMW R nineT! Thilo Günther and Roland Stocker won ‘t be riding for a team rating, but each man for himself!

  • w05

    Handy concept!
    Refined pannier system from Wunderlich

    It’s a well-known fact that you can never have enough space on a long tour. With the Rack Pack WP40, Wunderlich now offers a high-quality roll bag that comes with the innovative "Quicksnap" attachment system. Thanks to this system, the functional and waterproof bag without tension strap fumbling hooks onto the BMW aluminum case to attach in a flash. The special feature: The "Quicksnap" can be hooked on without the bag to the BMW aluminum box or all boxes with similar cover eyelets, and thus serves as a practical carry handle for the whole box - an original and clean solution.

    Thanks to a large opening, the thoroughly robust, dual coated bag made of polyurethane fabric is easy to fill and the roll closure protects the contents from dust and moisture. Thanks to the innovative quick fastener, the 36 litre bag not only attaches to the BMW aluminum boxes, two bags can also be fixed together on top of each other in a jiffy.

    The practical Rack Pack WP40 roll bag is completely Made in Europe and including the "Quicksnap" quick fastener costs 159.90 euros.

  • Peak Performance – Wunderlich motor sport

    Great news from the USA for Wunderlich motor sport powered by ProKASRO: Mr. Frank Hoffmann, CEO of Wunderlich GmbH, lately received the admission for the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb event 2018. This license is highly demanded and only a few of them are handed out to racing teams all over the globe. On 24 June 2018 the team from Sinzig starts again at the legendary mountain race near Colorado Springs and is in good company as a lot of other high-class international Race and factory teams participate, too.

    Thilo Günther competed on a precise prepared and customized R 1200 R LC for Wunderlich motor sport and instantly made it to a top 10 rank at last year’s Pikes Peak. This huge achievement granted us a lot of attention among customers, sponsors and even BMW Motorcycle. ,,2017 was our first test ride on this track. One is none, and we´d like to target on a higher place in 2018 especially caused of the fact that the long track championship team ProKASRO with its CEO Uwe Reinhardt will support us this year. Together we compete for victory with two competitive build ups of the BMW S 1000 R!” Frank Hoffmann said. ,, We have two hot and promising irons in the fire: Beneath Germanys most known and fastest road racer Thilo Günther another racer will get the chance to climb the mountain. Lucy Glöckner – one of the fastest woman on earth well known among other racing series like IDM, Rheinoldus Cup and the long race championship!”
    The dynamometers are already running at full blast.

  • On the safe side
    Side protection for the GS Adventure from Wunderlich

    Even though BMWs R 1200 GS Adventure comes with a tank protection bar as standard, the side of this GS is still pretty unprotected. Motorcycle accessory specialist Wunderlich is now correcting this deficiency with an additional reinforcement bar. It only reliably protects the tank but the body too. It also gives the Adventure a striking and unique look.

    The bar is made from 25 mm-thick precision stainless steel pipe. A central, harmoniously designed aluminium protection provides extra safety and closes the gap between the series bar and the extension. In the event of a crash, the side body is thus perfectly protected and the forces generated are also distributed over multiple points. The Adventure is not widened by mounting the complete side protector.

    The perfectly tailored bar comes with a five-year guarantee and thorough instruction for easy mounting on the existing attachment points. It's completely Made in Germany and costs €249. The central aluminium protector is available in black or silver and costs €79.90.

    You‘ll find the products with the following part numbers in our webshop:

    Part number / Description
    41873-000 Tank protection bracket extension R 1200 GS LC Adv.
    41874-001 Filler plate for reinforcement bar silver
    41874-002 Filler plate for reinforcement bar black

  • Inizia la nuova stagione motociclistica – le date delle prime fiere

    Il nuovo anno è iniziato dando il via alla nuova stagione; questo significa tempo di fiere. Già a gennaio abbiamo partecipato alla Fiera Motorradwelt a Friedrichshafen al Lago di Costanza.
    Tre settimane più tardi ci troverete a Monaco di Baviera. Dal 16 al 18 febbraio si terrà Imot, la 25° edizione della fiera internazionale del motociclo. Il fine settimana successivo, dal 23 al 25 febbraio, si terranno le Giornate motociclistiche di Amburgo.
    Infine, il primo fine settimana di marzo, dall'1 al 4, si svolgerà la fiera del motociclismo presso l'area Westfalenhallen di Dortmund.

    Non vediamo l'ora di tuffarci in un mare di novità, entusiasmanti conversioni per moto e interessanti conversazioni.

  • Stand back!
    New tank-sidebags for the GS by Wunderlich

    This basically applies to every motorcyclist: You can never have enough room for luggage. Therefore Wunderlich has come up with an idea. The specialists for motorcycle accessories treat the liquid-cooled R 1200 GS to two tank-sidebags, which can be attached in a few simple steps with LOXX quick-fasteners.

    The original cover-screws are simply exchanged for the supplied screws with LOXX-System. The robust and dimensionally stable bags can then be securely fastened within seconds. The are made of water-resistant, fluorcarbon-impregnated CORDURA-fabric with a dust- and water-resistant zipper.

    The tank-sidebags can be mounted with and without a tank protector and perfectly align themselves to the line of the crashbar. They are completely Made in Europe and are delivered as a set for both sides including a 5-year warranty for EUR 119.90.

    The tank-sidebags can be ordered under part number 20811-000 at www.wunderlich.de.

  • A huge range for the small 310
    Wunderlich equips the BMW G 310 R

    The BMW with the smallest cylinder capacity has been on the German market for a good six months: the G 310 R. It makes a thoroughly respectable impression, close to the S 1000 R in style. Motorcycle accessory manufacturer Wunderlich shows just how the roadster can be perfected.

    The team from Sinzig includes the qualities of the tourer in the 310 with windscreens in clear or smoke grey and ensures a pleasant reduction in turbulences. Wunderlich's 25 mm handlebar riser matches this perfectly, guaranteeing greater riding comfort and a better feel for the handling. You can thus relax and tour for longer, and of course anyone on the road for long distances needs space for their luggage. No problem thanks to Wunderlich. The tried-and-tested multifunctional Elephant tank bag range from the BMW specialists can now also be adapted to the 310 R, and you can transport an additional 20 litres of luggage in the seat and luggage rack bag with the same name.

    The Sinzig team scores points for safety with a fitted engine crash bar and helpful crash pads which protect you from the worst if the unthinkable happens. Indicator crash bars and a mudguard extension provide additional safety, the side stand plate guarantees secure standing and widened mirrors ensure a better perspective. Wunderlich protects the brake line openly placed on the swing arm with a discreet protector made of aluminium.

    Wunderlich's range for the G 310 R is currently being expanded almost daily and you can find all new releases right now at www.wunderlich.de

  • Give thieves no chance!
    Wunderlich secures the GPS of the S 1000 XR

    Surprising, but true: The original GPS of the BMW S 1000 XR cannot be secured on the bike and can therefore easily be stolen from the parked 1000er.

    With a reliable protection motorbike specialist Wunderlich knows how to prevent that. The easy to mount, discreet anti-theft protection made from coated black stainless steel prevents the holder system from being unlocked. The removal of the costly GPS is only possible with the help of a key.

    The protection is completely Made in Germany, comes with a high-quality lock including a 5-year warranty and costs 49,90 Euro.

  • Nuovi Öhlins TTX GP 2018

    Öhlins ha previsto per il 2018 un upgrade e revisione della linea ammorizzatori TTX GP. Il nuovo TTX GP presenta un sistema di valvole interne migliorato rispetto alla versione 2017 che ne donano un feeling di comfort e stabilità. La nuova fascia pistone e i nuovi materiali con cui vengono assemblate le parti interne, ne garantiscono una maggior durata nel tempo e una maggior resistenza alle alte temperature di utilizzo.

    Caratteristiche Principali:

    • Tecnologia TTX
    • Interasse Variabile
    • Precarico Idraulico Integrato
    • Regolazione Compressione
    • Regolazione Estensione
    • Range di regolazione più ampio e preciso, derivante dalla Moto GP
  • Pure enjoyment
    Wunderlich equips the R nineT Pure

    BMW leaves riders of the purist version of its best-selling R nineT, the Pure, plenty of room for individualisation. As for all current models of the air-cooled Boxer, BMW motorcycle specialist Wunderlich also has a mighty offer pup its sleeve for this roadster.

    The team from Sinzig give the Pure extraordinary wind protection with the short windscreen, which fully retains the sporty look of this modern classic. The black lamp grille in front of the main headlight fits the look perfectly and can be fitted with an LED headlight insert including cornering light.

    Wunderlich’s tried and tested engine crash bar and well-thought out protectors protect against devaluing impacts and additional charges. Physical problems while riding are prevented by adjustable footrests and handlebar fittings as well as a pleasant handlebar riser.

    Alongside the classic tank bag models, it’s the stylish side and saddle bags made of robust nubuck leather that win over the style-conscious Pure pilots. Anyone wanting Wunderlich’s Rally passenger luggage rack on their Pure should get the complete tail section including mudguard and tail light.

    You can find all kinds of other interesting ideas for the air-cooled Boxer in Wunderlich’s comprehensive R nineT catalogue and in the online shop at www.wunderlich.de

  • Novità Wunderlich di Novembre

    Scopri le novità che Wunderlich vi propone per questo mese

  • To Go!
    New Tank Bag for the GS from Wunderlich

    BMW motorcycle accessories specialist Wunderlich has fitted a brand-new sporty tank bag onto the new R 1200 GS. The compact bag convinces with several ingenious ideas including a water protected cable access, a helpful rubber grid for gloves on top, and a blue inside lining enabling the user to find even the smallest parts really quickly.

    A key feature are the practical TENAX-quick fasteners, which allow the tank bag to be fastened within seconds but also to be unfastened if one wanted to take it with them. Nevertheless, they promise a perfect hold even at highest speeds.

    The Wunderlich tank bag holds 10 litres and guarantees a clear view onto the instruments as well as full freedom of movement, thanks to its clever design.

    Its fluor-carbon impregnated CORDURA-material is additionally coated on the inside and highly water-repellent.

    It is entirely „Made in Europe“ and comes with a 5-year warranty for 189,90 Euro.

  • Everything for the bagger
    The full Wunderlich range for the K 1600 B

    BMW has barely just unleashed the first bagger on the highways of the world and BMW motorcycle specialist Wunderlich already has a wide range of accessories on offer for the K 1600 B.

    Want to enjoy the American Way of Drive to perfection? No problem with Wunderlich’s ERGO screen. Thanks to its refined layout, the windscreen guarantees nigh on turbulence-free touring pleasure behind a crystal clear and visually clean screen that also comes in a tinted version. A special highlight is Wunderlich’s screen version with adjustable rear ventilation. Additional protection against cold, moisture and dirt is provided by beautifully designed foot protectors that fit discreetly into the lines of the bagger

    The team from Sinzig ensures a suitably relaxed seating position for the powerful cruiser with an ergonomic handlebar riser and individually adjustable brake and throttle levers. This means there’s nothing left to stand in the way of riding pleasure on long routes.

    Wunderlich not only protects the rider and passenger but the motorcycle as well. The accessory specialists protect the sensitive oil coolers against impacts from stones and insects with a radiator guard.

    You can find other interesting and suitable fitting ideas for the six-cylinder bagger in Wunderlich’s well-sorted and easy to view online shop at www.wunderlich.de

  • Completo Termignoni LIMITED EDITION in FULL TITANIUM per Honda Africa Twin CRF1000L

    Nata dalla collaborazione con la ditta Termignoni e distribuito in ESCLUSIVA MONDIALE dalla Andreani Group, questa nuova serie LIMITED EDITION sarà prodotta solamente in 100 pezzi.
    Lo Scarico è stato realizzato direttamente dal Reparto Corse Termignoni in materiale Titanio CUNB, lo stesso usato per la costruzione dei sistemi di scarico da competizione. La CUNB è una speciale lega di titanio che ha ottima formabilità a temperatura ambiente, elevata resistenza meccanica anche dopo i 600°C e resistete all’ossidazione sopra 800°C. Questo permette di ridurre in maniera sensibile il peso, garantendo comunque un alto livello di performance e durata dello scarico, ben superiori rispetto a un impianto realizzato con una lega di titanio commerciale. I nuovi Sistemi Completi sono limitati a 100 pezzi e presentano la Firma di Luigi Termignoni con il numero di produzione e vengono forniti di Paracalore in Carbonio.

    Serie Limitata a 100 pezzi
    Possibilità di scelta del numero di produzione (ove possibile)

    Il codice prodotto e il prodotto sono i seguenti:

    H13709400TTX prezzo al pubblico: 2700€ + iva

  • Termignoni dedicato alle Triumph Thruxton e Thruxton R

    Il nuovo Silenziatore Omologato Termignoni con design "Conical" per Triumph Thruxton e Thruxton R (2016-17) è caratterizzato da: Struttura Principale in Acciaio Inox, Camicia in Acciao Inox e Fondello Ricavato dal Pineo anodizzato Nero.

    In termini di performance offre un Incremento di Potenza (+2,36 Hp a 6.800 gpm) i Incremento di Coppia (+2.48 Nm a 6.800 gpm) Con un incremento Massimo di Potenza e Coppia di rispettivamente +2,44 Hp e +4,7 Nm a 3.500 gpm

    Codice Prodotto e Prezzo al pubblico:

    T01008040IIA 878,90 €+iva

  • Hai Tech - Wunderlich refines BMW’s R nineT Racer

    With the presentation of its sportiest version of the R nineT BMW unveiled a classic sports bike fully in keeping with the style of the Seventies. Of course BMW specialist Wunderlich took the racer intensely to heart and tailored a whole range of exclusive accessories for it.

    Especially striking are Wunderlich’s tail conversions, which the team from Sinzig use to lend the racer a beautifully designed and discreet tail closure. These can be combined with various tail lights and assorted licence plate holders including a side-mounted licence plate on the Kardan, among others. Naturally, the eye is also drawn to the stylish number plate that Wunderlich offers in brushed aluminium. The Wunderlich racer is equipped for the worst case scenario with crash pads and protectors, while detailed covers add the finishing touch to the look.

    Wunderlich wouldn’t be Wunderlich if these specialists didn’t also have a robust chassis up their sleeve. The fully adjustable Wunderlich suspension spring together with the Wunderlich suspension cartridge ensures excellent riding performance. You can also individually adjust the wheelbase thanks to the adjustable paralever strut.

    You can choose all kinds of other cleverly designed accessories in the Sinzig team’s transparent and well arranged online shop at www.wunderlich.de.

  • L'ultimo prodotto della casa svedese dedicato agli amanti delle MX e Enduro:

    La nuova Forcella Öhlins 2018, rispetto alle notevoli modifiche effettuate nella linea MX e Enduro 2017, è stata ulteriormente migliorata nella stabilità senza però risultare più dura. Ulteriori miglioramenti sono stati effettuati all'idraulica interna e ai materiali con cui vengono trattate le parti esterne.

    Le Principali Caratteristiche sono:
    >> Kit Cartuccia con TTX design
    >> Miglioramento delle prestazioni nei modelli 2018
    >> Nuovo trattamento Foderi Oro
    >> Pressurizzata a Gas per una risposta immediata
    >> Regolazione Compressione esterna angolata in modo da garantire un più facile accesso al set-up
    >> Regolazione Estensione Esterna
    >> Fine corsa Idraulico
    >> Contro molle e rubbers per un feeling più morbido nel ritorno
    >> Materiale Piedini più resistente
    >> Colorazione Oro e Blu
    >> Disegnata per essere usata con olio Öhlins


Viale Sicilia 120 - 20900 Monza (MB)


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Lun-Ven: 08.30 - 12.30 / 14.30 - 19.30

Sabato: 08.30 - 12.30

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